Ask the Experts Theme: Adopting an Engaged Approach

Ask the Experts Theme 2: Adopting an Engaged Approach

I asked the focus group of experts how we could adopt an engaged approach to getting entrepreneurs and others to contribute to the intervention. Here’s what they said.

Make Sure It’s Appropriately Paced

Business support organisation representative Andrew highlighted the importance of pacing the intervention appropriately for entrepreneurs. “ People who do have that entrepreneurial spirit work at quite a pace, so training, the octane level of it, not too slow or too methodical, as I’m not sure it would appeal. They like pace, the speed, the challenges. Learning and development for people of that mindset is really important. Their boredom threshold can be quite low as well; they want to quickly move on, so it would be an issue if it didn’t challenge them.”

Build Relationships Based on Sharing

Business network leader Scott feels that sharing is the key to making the research available and accessible. “ In terms of how to contribute, it is building those relationships to share, it is the network, the partner, it is all of those things that will make the research available and accessible.”

Make The Intervention Accessible

Business support provider Debbie says that accessibility of the intervention is key. “I think accessibility is one of the key things.  One of the key things is for it to be available and accessible as widely as possible, by as many providers as possible, to enable people to evolve how they do things based on the findings of the research.”

There Should Be Plenty Of Opportunities To Contribute

Business adviser Sharon highlights the need to provide plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs and others to contribute. “ If there were opportunities, some way they could contribute to the findings, some way to evolve as you go but also to make it actionable both from the providers’ point of view and the entrepreneur point of view. There is a lot of learning out there, available from different places, and I think what makes the difference with the things that captivate entrepreneurs the most is when they can see straight away what they could do with it, so it is really clear what they need to do differently as a result of what they have learned.”

There’s A Need To Keep An Open Mind

Entrepreneur student Leah adds that we need to keep an open mind when it comes to how the intervention develops and how to best encourage contributions from entrepreneurs and others.

2 thoughts on “Ask the Experts Theme: Adopting an Engaged Approach

  1. Am a kind of of a person whose commitment goes beyond doubt and am acquainted with a lot visions to liberate many people beginning in my family, community and allover beyond my country through Networking and establishing Partnerships purposely for justice in Social economic development and Transformation of a whole person.
    # Establishing Partnerships and Collaboration for Funding opportunities to implement Community Health Empowernment Institute of Knitting and Tailoring School is vital in our Community since it gives us our community full of Skills and thus poverty and Hunger Alleviation #

    I have formed many groups in ;

    1) Community Health Empowernment Ministry Partnership Uganda aiming at Household Transformation.

    2) Godfrey Byamukama Survivor’s Foundation for Children Initiative Uganda-GBSFCI-UG

    3) Rescue Soul Mission International Group RSMI-G.

    The Community Health Empowerment Ministry Partnership Uganda (CHE-M) is formed on effective Development and reduction of vulnerability among the suffering Community Members as a result of lack of basic needs and poverty and hunger in particular. Some families eat once a day and seeing on their faces, you notice that they have palled skin because of poor feeding and poor health.

    Therefore Community Health Empowerment Ministry partnership Uganda-Diocese of Kinkiizi will ensure Complete Community Based platform to advance the effectiveness of development efforts by all actors, to deliver results that are long-lasting and contribute to the achievements of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). This uses the Community Health Empowerment Ministry-groups which are already in existence.
    We are Minding much about your Collaborational and Partnership for support in the Establishment of Community Health Empowerment Institute of Knitting and Tailoring School.

    With CHE School (CHESCH) Program Identification with Community Health Empowerment Ministry-Diocese, these core foundational and distinctive areas should support Poverty and hunger Eradication, Education as a major focus hence creating improving the quality of life of all the people and create employment opportunities to tap for future Generations.
    *Open this Link*
    Rev. Godfrey Byamukama
    Community Developer,

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